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11:09 PM - Wednesday, Jun. 16, 2004
Just Stuff
Having the Sophomore off at camp has made me realize he is definitely my high maintenance child!! I cannot believe how much I am getting done this week, how many errands I have run, and how much free time I have left over! Goodness knows I adore the child. But The Junior is definitely low maintenance and The Soph is NOT.

The Soph called last night to say he was having a blast, all is great and MOM I CANNOT TALK ANY MORE BECAUSE THERE IS A LONG LINE TO USE THE PHONE!! So no more questions, no fun little chat. At least he called!

The Junior and I have had fun hanging out together this week, doing things we needed to do for him--clothes, etc. Always something. He's just a cool kid.

I made up the cuuuutest invitations for this party I have to have a week from Sat for the outgoing/incoming board members. I know, I know. Here it is a scant week and a half before the party and I just got the invitations done. The good part is--maybe no one will be able to come with such short notice!! Anyway, the old creative juices were flowing and the invitations turned out really nice. Yeah, me. Now I'll just sit back until about 2 days before the party, then I'll go crazy mad rushing about trying to get things ready for the party. Yep, that's me. Working best under pressure.

And that is my story for now. Dull but true.

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