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11:19 PM - Sunday, Dec. 05, 2004
Return From Beyond
Hello? Remember me? I used to be a faithful writer. Then, poof! I just didn't want to write anymore.

The bug has bitten me again to write now. It may wear off by tomorrow. Best take advantage.

Where has my life taken me in the past SIX MONTHS?? My, how time flies. . . Actually, life has been good, for the most part. I've been extremely busy over the past few months. Some friends of mine own a business that supplies adjustors to insurance companies during disasters and catastrophes. (Is there a difference between those two words? Perhaps I just call it "natural disasters". . .) It amazes me how many different types of businesses there are in the world! Who knew this even existed? Frankly, I thought this couple was disabled or something, because they always seem to have lots of free time. As it turns out, their business is highly profitable, but only during the hard times for others!

Anyway, I've been working for them on and off the past few months. No, not being an adjustor, thank you. I have no desire to climb on top of hurricane leveled homes, or peer into moldy walls or, heaven forbid, have to tell the insured how much/little they will actually receive from the insurance co!! I've been warm and dry in my office, doing data entry, assigning adjustors, blah blah blah. . .all related to the four hurricanes that hit Florida and others. It has really been fascinating, and I'm sad that the job seems to be winding down.

Still president to the band. .. quite time consuming. And, my word, the people I have to deal with!! The stories I could tell! Perhaps someday I will. So far I have maintained the upper hand in all situations, keeping calm and presidential-like. I should be planning a Cmas party for my board, but I'm just not in the mood for it right now. The band finished marching season Nov 4th, coming in 11th in the State in marching. Yes, we would have preferred 1st, but for a variety of reasons, we were happy with 11th. Out of 800+ marching bands in Texas, I guess we didn't do too badly! It was a lot of work and coordination throughout the first few months of the year, and I guess I'm a bit weary of the band now. But I'll perk back up soon, I'm sure.

Both my sons competed in Region Band tryouts yesterday. The Junior came in 2nd out of 140+ clarinets. The Soph came in 4th out of 70+ trumpets. They are both pleased and we are quite proud! Tomorrow they compete in the next level up, aiming toward State competition eventually.

Obviously, there's always SOMETHING going on in the band. . .

The big news is the Junior is dating!! Mercy, we thought he would never get his nerve up to ask a girl out. Now he is dating a sweet girl and seems to be head over heels about her. He is having a BIG problem making it home before curfew, so he is grounded at the moment. I need to find something to nip this in the bud, big time!

The Soph is dating an OLDER WOMAN--he is 15. . .she is a 17 yr old Junior! So she drives on their dates. She is a nice girl too.

The hub has had a rough year. His father did pass away in July. He was able to be with his dad at the end. The boys and I flew over for the funeral and all stayed a week. It was sad, but a relief too. His father had a long hard time, following his stroke last Dec. The hub won't be sorry to see this year end.

Actually, my life seems to be on an upswing. Good changes. New people. New opportunities.

You are all very dear to drop a note every now and then. Actually, I haven't even been on the site to read any diaries, check notes, or anything since I last wrote. Perhaps I will catch up. .. perhaps not. Thanks for reading along.

And if, perhaps, I don't write again for a while, may I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a New Year full of blessings? All the best. . .

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